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Communicating For Outcomes

A new business reality requires a new kind of communication  

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In the new age of remote work and communicating primarily through screens, the way we communicate has fundamentally shifted. We are now working, selling and collaborating in isolation.

This is not about "soft skills." Our ability to communicate with impact is a "hard" business skill that drives profit.

This three-part workshop, combined with two individual coaching sessions, is designed to improve your communication skills so you so you communicate powerfully and effectively to achieve the outcomes you need.


Walk Away With These Essential Skills:

1. Understand what to say and how to say it to   impact your unique audience.

2. Reduce the sales cycle to get to "Yes" faster.

3. Make better collaborative decisions that stick with prospects, clients and colleagues.

4. Change the way you do business one conversation at a time.

What is included:

Total Cost $695

  • 7 hours of instruction from two expert facilitators

  • Two 30-minute individual coaching sessions to review the unique nuances of your ECHO and TKI profiles (A $150 value.)

  • Customized Workbook to help you identify your unique areas for improvement 

  • The ECHO Listening Profile is a scientifically validated cognitive assessment developed for business contexts, that identifies habitual listening behavior and provides tangible, measurable, and actionable insights that can be implemented immediately for strengthened leadership and team productivity. (A $100 value.)

  • The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) assesses an individual’s behavior in conflict situations and offers feedback and insights to enhance one’s ability to more effectively self-manage conflict. (A $135 value.)

  • The skills and knowledge to improve the way you communicate forever!

Session One: August 27, 2020  9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Listening Agility to Improve Engagement and Collaboration 

This half-day workshop focuses on listening as 50% of the communication equation. By gaining awareness of our own unique listening habits, we can learn to leverage listening to influence the framework of conversation that drives high value communication.
Participants will learn to:

  • Excel in high stakes work scenarios that require clear communication.

  • Identify listening habits of your peers so you can communicate and collaborate more effectively.

  • Grasp the importance of diverse thinking and master the skill of building, leading, and communicating effectively across cognitively diverse teams and with varied clients and stakeholders.

     30 minute one-on-one coaching and ECHO profile review to       be scheduled prior to session two.

Session Three: September 24, 2020  9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Reliability – Putting Insights into Action   

Session Two: September 10, 2020  9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Understanding Conflict Styles and Behaviors 

Global conversations are shifting. Conflict is everywhere. It’s up to you to create an environment for healthy conflict, where teams can openly disagree, discuss different viewpoints, and listen to learn versus defend. But if conflict isn’t healthy, it can lead to low productivity, lack of engagement and poor decision-making. In this session, participants will explore ways of encouraging positive, healthy, and productive conflict that can lead to better overall results for your business.
Participants will gain:

  • A greater appreciation for what causes conflict to unfold and escalate, and typical ways that individuals and teams deal with it when it arises.

  • An understanding of the typical constructive and destructive behavioral responses to conflict.

  • Tools to improve the quality of conversation towards resolution when stuck in unhealthy conflict.

  • Proven strategies for moving towards and maintaining positive, healthy conflict. 


     30 minute one-on-one coaching and TKI profile review to       be scheduled prior to session three.

This final session is a group dialogue and debrief to share insights and experiences and learn from one another’s challenges and successes.

"I work with leaders and teams in companies of all sizes, across various industries, to improve the way work gets done, through the lens of listening and communication. I believe that poor communication impacts recreates so much wasted time, money and stress in a system. All of which can be improved one intentional conversation at a time."

"Being clear and confident in your communication is vital to both having your message heard and acted upon. I work with leaders to understand their own communication styles and how they can effectively use them to create change within their organizations. I believe that when we understand our own strengths as well as the strengths of people around us, we can multiply our impact and get great results." 

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